Typically within an application, you will use the receive statement as part of a loop to progressively read new messages sent to the process and perform individual operations. 通常,在应用程序内,您要将receive语句用作循环的一部分,循环渐进地读取发送给进程的新消息,并执行独立操作。
Alternative titles for the Income Statement include Earnings Statement, Statement of Operations, and Profit and Loss Statement. 收入表的其他名称有收益计算书、经营表、损益表。
In a statement, China COSCO, a Hong Kong-listed subsidiary of the sprawling, state-controlled group, said the "adjustment of hire rates" was part of its "normal operations" and consistent with its business philosophy. 中国中远在一份声明中表示,“租船费率调整”是其“正常操作”的一部分,符合其经营理念。
An income statement shows the results of business operations over an accounting period. 收益表表示的是企业在某一会计期间的经营成果。
The statement of financial performance contains information about the operations of the entity. 财政表现表包含关于实体的运作资讯。
It shall also transmit quarterly to its members a summary statement of its financial position and a profit and loss statement showing the results of its operations. 银行还应每季度向其成员发送银行财务状况总表及损益表,说明其业务经营状况。